1.2/3rd of the balls in a bag are blue, the rest are pink. if 5/9th of the blue balls and 7/8th of the pink balls are defective, find the total number of balls in the bag given that the number of non defective balls is 146? a) 216 b) 649 c) 432 d) 578 Solution- let total no of balls =x blue=2x/3 pink=x/3 total no of defective balls = 10x/27 +7x/24 =143x/216 non defective balls=x-143x/216=146 x=432Find no of ways in which 4 particular persons a,b,c,d and 6 more persons can stand in a queue so that A always stand before B. B always stand before C, And C always stand before D. a)6! b)7! c)1006*6! d)10046!Solution - a,b,c,d are grouped ie consider them as one and remaining as 6. total 6+1 = 7! Ways

1.2/3rd of the balls in a bag are blue, the rest are pink. if 5/9th of the blue balls
and 7/8th of the pink balls are defective, find the total number of balls in the bag
given that the number of non defective balls is 146?
a) 216
b) 649
c) 432
d) 578
Solution- let total no of balls =x
total no of defective balls = 10x/27 +7x/24
non defective balls=x-143x/216=146

Find no of ways in which 4 particular persons a,b,c,d and 6 more persons
can stand in a queue so that A always stand before B. B always stand before C,
And C always stand before D.

Solution - a,b,c,d are grouped ie consider them as one and remaining as 6.
total 6+1 = 7! Ways
