
Linux1) FTP port No2) Experience in FTP, Samba, NFS Services3) Difference between RHEL 6 & RHEL 74) How to figure out if someone logged into Server and what they did5) Difference between RPM & YUM6) What is a DNS Server & role of it any other Softwares which can do Name resolution7) Performance Tuning in Linux8) Application memory leaks & What action we can take if there is a memory leak9) If an application is taking 90% memory usage, what's the resolution you will take10) How to find which SQL query is taking more time & memory usage (Process List)11) chmod 444 /bin/chmod -> Impact on System and Users12) reboot server when reboot command is not working13) Lost root password14) rebooted a remote server but after 10minutes unable to ssh15) command to unpack tar.gz to a specific location16) command to remove all .doc files in a folder recursively17) Send an email without email client, from command line18) Test port 443 is accessible from remote machine r not19) grep command to find all occurances of word apple in file /usr/share/abc.txt20) Command to create a user in MySQL21) Purpose of running MySQL Secure Installation22) Use of Command nohup23) What is ssh port forwarding24) ssh into a remote server without typing a password25) What does '&' (and) operator after a command will do 26) Send an active process into background27) What is HTTP Proxy28) Role of DNS in a network29) What is virtual IP address30) What are command line text editors in Linux31) How to find Java Installation path & version32) Disk usage commands33) Command to find Kernel and OS34) Patching and Hardening35) Difference between 400 & 500 errors36) Free space command37) Soft link and Hard link 38) Difference between top and df commands 39) SCP and Rsync command 40) Disk error commands in Linux41) Can same shell script file run on both windows and linux AWS1) How VPN works2) What are NAT Gateway r NAT Instances and how to setup those3) Difference between Security groups & Network ACL4) What is AWS Snowball5) Experience in Migrating On-Primises Setup to Cloud6) What's the role of Network ACL7) Kind of Instance you created and why you have choosen that8) Dedicated Instances9) Billing Strategy in AWS10) AWS Lambda11) Inputs needed for VPC12) Why cant we use t2 micro for production13) VPC Peering14) What is Elastic Beanstalk15) Giving login permisions for one AWS account user to another AWS account user16) How to Block an IP range for instances17) Is it possible to deploy two applications in same server using load balancing or Auto scaling18) S3 bucket permissions 19) Route 53 20) Import local MySQL DB to RDS21) Accessing private instances from another availability zones22) Updating RDS server which is there in public subnet23) Accessing two applications with same port in same serverS24) Types of Auto Scaling policies25) Steps to create an instance, auto scaling and load balancing26) Types of Load Balancing27) What type of incoming traffic we will receive to Application Load Balancer28) What is cloud formation and what is cloud watch29) Services you used in aws30) How you are creating your aws services, using any tools 31) How you are creating your images (EC2 instances)32) How you will resolve if you're unable to login to your newly created instance (User and IP both are valid). It is integrated with LDAP33) When you're trying to connect to S3 from an ec2 instance you're not getting any response. What will be the issue 34) Which load balancer you're using and which protocol you're using and which application you deployed35) When you create a load balancer what and all functionalities will be there36) With what methodology the load will be splitted in a load balancer37) How you will integrate an Application load balancer with Auto Scaling39) How you're creating snapshots and if there are 100 ec2 instances, how you're going to take snapshots40) Difference between public & private subnets in VPC41) Difference between Internet gateway & NAT instance42) What is the difference between client side encryption and server side encryption43) What is Amazon ECS44) Create a cloudwatch alarm to monitor EFS45) On what parameters we have to create an autoscaling group46) When to choose an Application load balancer & when to use network load balancerDevops1) SVN - checkout & update working copy, Code difference between current and previous revisions2) Create a Build Pipeline from Compilation to Deployment of Application3) What is the use of Jenkins4) Difference between Containers and VM's5) Difference between Continuous delivery and Devops6) What is CDN7) What is Jenkins and for what purpose it is used for8) Installation & Jobs in Jenkins9) What type of Build you are using10) Command used in Jenkins Job for Maven Project11) Code Coverage Tools12) Congiguration Tools13) What kind of metric will be provided by Nagios 14) What is Bower & Gulp15) What are the protocols used in GIT & SVN16) Settings for giving SVN master access to Jenkins to fetch the code17) What is the purpose of Puppet & what are manifests18) What is the flow as soon as code is deployed, what is the life cycle of Deployment and how it is triggered19) What is the specific file type you are used in Jenkins20) How you are integrating Ansible inside Jenkins21) Create a Repository, add user, creare branch and push code, checkout and then commit something into that repository22) How to trigger Job-B once Job-A is done, how you will configure upstream and downstream23) What is the Job of sonarqube and what reports we will get 24) Command used to configure or run ansible 25) What happens in pipeline once your job is completed26) Explain ansible process27) Git command used to remove changes on a particular file28) Plugins used in Jenkins29) How to overcome r command to check conflicts in Git30) Command to delete a remote branch31) How to remove a last 3rd commit (previous to previous)32) If a remote repository has 100 branches, if i commit changes to one branch, do i have references of all the 100 branches in my local 33) What is local branch and what is remote branch 34) If a jenkins job is failed. ie., u got a compilation error. How do you resolve it. How u will find root cause for it.35) How to compile a java program or java project 36) Build steps to complie a java project in Jenkins37) Difference between central and distributed repository38) How jenkins will understand our project structure whether it is ANT or Maven39) Difference between Declarative and Scripted pipeline40) Types of stages in git 41) Difference between Jenkins online and offline42) Which configuration management tools you're using43) Which script you're using in Jenkins -- Maven or Groovy44) What is GIT branching45) What is GIT submodule46) What and all commands you have used in GIT47) When you're trying to pull a repository you're getting a Fork error48) Advantages of docker containerization49) What is Docker Architecture50) How to login to ec2 ansible clients using ssh keys51) VPN provisioning in AWS using 52) Deploy application in 100 ansible clients53) Jenkins plugins for code coverage54) Buid a Docker Container55) Deploy an app in all the nodes56) Creating a pod in kubernetes when an existing pod goes offline57) What is DevOps58) Why to use DevOps59) How does a jenkins job identify when a new code is commited to repository60) What is a version control, Why we say that GIT is a distributed VCS61) How local copy will sync with remote server62) How to recover or recreate if a central repository is deleted63) Merge issue when syncing with master repository but not with local repository64) What is GIT rebase65) Difference between git commit and git rebase66) What are GIT branching strategies67) What is CI & CD, why can't we call it as a build automation instead of CI68) What do you mean by build server (Jenkins), what are the operations it can do69) When you create a pipeline, what are the things or steps or process you use/choose 70) Sonarqube will be linked to jenkins or to the jobs ex:- pipeline jobs71) How to do Continuous testing in Jenkins72) Why do we need a docker swarm73) Difference between docker compose and docker file74) What is orchestration75) In which ways Ansible helps in a DevOps environment76) Authentication in Jenkins77) GIT lock

How many IAM keys can a user have? Answer: At time a user can have only 2 active IAM access and secret key.

Difference between AMI and Snapshot?

1.What is defferance Between Temporary table VS Table variable.2.What is differance between Local table or Global Table.3.What is differance between Priamry key or Unique Key.4.What is differance between union or union all.5.What is differance between Inner join or Union.6.What is differance between CTE or Temporary table.7.What is differance between Truncate or Delete.8.What is differance between Intersect or Union.9.What is differance between Cursor or While loop.10.What is differance between priamry key or Culster index

-- If experience and Salary is stored as monthly, if they are stored yearly basis then you can add the Logic to get the monthly salary and experience in monthSELECT Name, Experience, SalaryFROM tblEmployeeWHERE Experience > 10 AND Salary > 15000;SELECT * FROM tblEmployeeWHERE Name LIKE '[^aeiouAEIOU]%[aeiouAEIOU]';

3. Find the employees who are working in more than 2 departments. Print their employee number, first name, last_name and the number of departments they work in. SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,COUNT(DEPARTMENT_ID) FROM employeesHAVING COUNT(DEPARTMENT_ID) > 2Group by 1,2,3

2. Find the minimum, maximum and average salary of each employee title and order the results by ascending order of maximum salary SELECT J.JOB _TITLE,J.MIN _SALARY,J.MAX_SALARY,AVG(E.SALARY) FROM jobs JFULL OUTER JOIN employees E on J.JOB_ID = E.JOB_IDORDER BY J.MAX_SALARY

scoring system

write queries for following scieniores max users visited date ,user with maximum transitions date,user visited but not done any transition.

Kalise Unnaamanukunna… Kalalanu

what is cybersecurity

Mark the option best suites for the underlied portion of the sentence given below The teacher suggested that we ought to be punctual, isn’t? A) Shouldn’t we B) Aren’t we C) None D) Is it Ans: shouldn’t we

lChoose the correct preposition and fill in the blanks: The father said to his child, “You must be back ____________ eight o’clock.” A. in B. on C. by D. to Ans: C Explanation: Preposition ‘by’ is used to denote: not later than the time mentioned; before.

Choose the option which is synonymous with the meaning of the word: Angry A. Furious B. Pleased C. Precipitous D. Hasty Ans: A Explanation: Angry means feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure or hostility

Read the sentence given below and decide whether it is a fact or interference or judgement The country also has biomedical waste management rules for the safe and scientific disposal of biomedical waste 1) Fact 2) Judgement 3) Inference Ans: Fact

Replace the underlined word to form a meaningful statement First I ate dinner than I slept a) When b) While c) Then d) Since Ans: then

Which part of the sentence below has an error in it ? When water supply is normal,/ we can’t care/ about the importance of water a) When water supply is normal b) No error c) About the importance of water d) We can’t care Ans: d

Read the statement below decide whether it is a fact, inference or judgment The painting made by John Nelson during the war is one of the most beautiful paintings in the world. A) Fact B) Judgment C) Inference Ans: Judgment

Sentence given below forms a coherent passage when arranged logically choose the option with correct given sentence a) A short man appearing as a long with the stick in his hand b) And having butterfly shaved moustaches c) In a survey conducted d) Was chooses as a greatest of actors of all time A) BCAD B) ABCD C) DBAC D) CABD Ans: B

2. A sentence is broken in to the following parts marked the options containing the correct sequences of these parts to get the complete sentence 1. And taking an air India flight 2. The men interacted with several people 3. After visiting Italy 4. Out of Vienna to return to delhi

I am tired as I am running since morning a) I was running b) i had been running c) I will be running d) I have been running Ans:

Find the missing number in the grid given alongside.

Given is the set of four alphabets that relate to each other in a certainway.Determine the missing alphabet in the third set[Assume the third set also works in the same way as the first and the second sell

find largest 3 digit odd numbers stri=input()maxi=0for j in range(len(stri)-2): num=stri[j]+stri[j+1]+stri[j+2] print(num) if int(num)&1: maxi=max(int(num),maxi)print(maxi) # Python 3

interview experience Greetings gud morning,Introduced himselfTell me about yourself??Apart from final project have u done any project ??Brief about mini project?Why is different from which their in market?Tell about final year project??Will u implement the your project in real life??What is unique in your project?What are your interpersonal skills while doing the project??Do face any difficulties in project??Which is least favourite subject??and why and how you overcome??Apart from college which are new technologies you learnt?Any questions he askedI have askedCan share your experience ??How is company culture??

Question No. 15 of 201 MarksWhat is the output of the following code#includeint main()(int arr[3][2][2]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12);printf("%d", arr[2][1][0]);

Pokemon trainer#include using namespace std;const int maxn = 300011;char s[maxn];int deg[maxn], d[maxn];vector w[maxn];int Find(int u, int c) { if (d[u] != -1) return d[u]; d[u] = 0; for (int v : w[u]) { d[u] = max(d[u], Find(v, c)); } d[u] += (s[u] == c + 'a'); return d[u];}int main() { int n, m; scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); scanf("%s", s + 1); for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { int u, v; scanf("%d%d", &u, &v); w[u].push_back(v); ++deg[v]; } int ct = 0; queue que; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { if (!deg[i]) que.push(i), ++ct; } while (!que.empty()) { int u = que.front(); que.pop(); for (int v : w[u]) { if (--deg[v] == 0) que.push(v), ++ct; } } if (ct < n) { puts("-1"); } else { int ans = 0; for (int c = 0; c < 26; ++c) { memset(d, 0xff, sizeof d); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) ans = max(ans, Find(i, c)); } printf("%dn", ans); } return 0;}

GEM collector program java,python ,c+++ GEM COLLECTOTOR#include #include #include using namespace std;int nSk(int n, int k){ if (n < 2) return 1; if (k > n-2) return 0; vector numbers; numbers.reserve(n - 2); for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; ++i){ numbers.push_back(i + 2); } std::vector v(numbers.size()); std::fill(v.end() - k, v.end(), true); int ret = 0; do { int tmpnum = 1; for (int j = 0; j < numbers.size(); ++j) { if (v[j]) { tmpnum *= numbers[j]; } } ret = tmpnum; } while (std::next_permutation(v.begin(), v.end())); return ret;}int main(){ int n, d; cin >> n; cin >> d; int sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < d; ++k){ sum += nSk(n, k); } //sum = 2; cout<< sum;}

Introduction to Database Management System As the name suggests, the database management system consists of two parts. They are: 1. Database and 2. Management System

INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE, DATABASE DESIGN AND RELATIONAL MODEL Short Answer Questions 1. What is a weak and strong entity sets? Explain with example? [2M] 2. Explain about class hierarchy? [2M] 3. Define Entity, Attributes, Entity set, relationship with appropriate notations? [2M] 4. What is Relational Instance, Relational Schema? Give one examples? [2M] 5. Draw the notation for multivalued attributes? Give one example? [2M] 6. What is a data model? List the types of data model used [2M] 7. What are composite attributes? [2M] 8. What does the cardinality ratio specify? [2M] 9. What are the two types of participation constraint? [2M] 10. List any eight applications of DBMS [2M] Long Answer Questions 1. (a) Define Database? Discuss about applications of Database Systems? [5M] (b) Discuss about the purpose of Database Systems? [5M]. 2. (a) What is Data Abstraction? Explain about different views of data? [5M] (b) Define Instance and Schema? List different data models and explain? [5M] 3. Explain about Database languages with examples? [10M] 4. (a) Draw the Architecture of Database? [5M] (b) Discuss about Database users and Administrators? [5M] 5. (a) Draw ER diagram for Ternary Relationship set with suitable example? [5M] (b) Discuss about key constraints for Ternary Relationships? [5M] 6. Draw the ER diagram for a company needs to store information about employees (identified by ssn, with salary and phone as attributes), departments (identified by dno, with dname and budget as attributes), and children of employees (with name and age as attributes). Employees work in departments, each department is managed by an employee, a child must be identified uniquely by name when the parent (who is an employee; assume that only one parent works for the company) is known. We are not interested in information about a child once the parent leaves the company [10M] 7. Explain about integrity constraints over relations? [10M] 8. Write about logical database design (ER to Relational) with suitable examples? [10M] 9. List the database models and explain Architecture of database? [10M] 10. A college consists of number of employees working in different departments. In this context, create two tables employee and department. Employee consists of columns empno, empname, basic, hra, da, deductions, gross, net, date-of-birth. The calculation of hra, da are as per the rules of the college. Initially only empno, empname, basic have valid values. Other values are to be computed and updated later. Department contains deptno, deptname, and description columns. Deptno is the primarykey in department table and referential integrity constraint exists between employee and department tables? [10M

Identify the correct statement.Logical level Abstraction: describes how schema is stored in a data baseIf R and S are two relation then R ∩ S can be represented as.(R ∪ S) - [(R - S) ∪ (S - R)]Consider the following relationsstudent ( id, name, address, gpa, sizeHS )campus ( location, enrollment, rank )apply ( id, location, date, major, decision )Identify the correct query to find name and address of all students with GPA > 3.7 and sizeHS < 1000.∏name, address ( σ GPA > 3.7 ^ sizeHS < 1000 ( student ) )Identify the number of tuples in the relation R1 ⋈ R2.7

Inheritance Code Solution

👉నేటి మంచిమాట👈నువ్వు గెలవాలంటే ఎప్పుడో ఒకసారి ఓడాల్సిందే...!వేట మొదలుపెట్టేముందు సింహం కూడా రెండడుగులు వెనక్కే వేస్తుంది...!పంజా విసరాలంటే వెనక్కి అడుగు తప్పదు..!గెలుపుకోసం ఎప్పుడో ఒకసారి ఓటమి తప్పదు..!మిత్రమా...!ఓటమీ నీదే...వేటా నీదే...అంతిమంగా గెలుపూ నీదే..

👉నేటి మంచిమాటజీవితంలో ముందుకెళ్ళడం అంటే నలుగురి వెంట పరుగెత్తడం కాదు...నలుగురూ నడిచేలానీ మార్గాన్ని ఏర్పర్చుకోవడం....

🎻🌹🙏🌻 *తెలిసుకోవాల్సిన మంచి విషయాలు...* 🌻🍃🍒01. ఆలయంలో ఆత్మప్రదిక్షిణ అనునపుడు తన చుట్టూ తాను తిరగరాదు. నమస్కారం చేస్తే చాలు, గుడి చుట్టూ ప్రదిక్షిణం మాత్రమే చేయాలి.🍃🍒02. నవగ్రహ ప్రదక్షిణ, పూజానంతరం తీర్థ ప్రసాదాలు స్వీకరించవచ్చు.🍃🍒03. శివాలయంలో కొబ్బరికాయ కొట్టిన తరువాత ఒక చిప్పను మనకిచ్చినా దానిని తీసుకోరాదు. జ్యోతిర్లింగాలు, స్వయంభూలింగాలు, బాణాలింగాలు అయితే మాత్రం ప్రసాదం స్వీకరించవచ్చు.🍃🍒04. సంధ్యా సమయంలో నిద్ర, తిండి, మైధునం పనికిరాదు.🍃🍒05. బహిష్టు కాలంలో పొయ్యి వెలిగించినా, అన్నం వంటివి వండినా పిల్లల వల్ల దుఃఖాల పాలౌతారు. కనుక అవి పనికిరావు🍃🍒06. చీటికి మాటికి ప్రతిజ్ఞలు చేయుట, ఒట్టు పెట్టుట దోషం.🍃🍒07. నిలబడికాని, అటూఇటూ తిరుగుతూ కాని అన్నం తినటం వల్ల క్రమంగా దరిద్రుడౌతాడు. రాబోయే జన్మలో బిచ్చగాడు అవుతాడు.🍃🍒08. నోట్లో వ్రేళ్ళు పెట్టుకొనుట, గోళ్ళుకొరుకుట చేయరాదు.🍃🍒09. దేవాలయ ప్రాంగణంలో ఉమ్మడం, పొగత్రాగటం రెండూ నిషిద్దాలే.🍃🍒10. ఆదివారం, శుక్రవారం, మంగళవారం తులసిఆకులు కోయరాదు...🙏🌹🎻