DEVOPS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Creating branches and tags using GitHub.Maintain GIT Repositories, Handling Releases and Branching activities for Github.Handle multiple builds from Development team, create build jobs in Jenkins andperform deployment activities.Responsible for taking the source code and compiling using Maven and package it in its distributable format,such as a JAR / WAR /EAR.Automate the build Process Using Jenkins jobs.Monitoring daily builds using continuous integration tool Jenkins.Date wise Daily keeping track all the Script.Deploying the JAR / WAR / EAR files in Tomcat app server.Setup of the code repository using GIT.Verifying the logs if build failsVerify Deployments logs to check for successful deployments.Keeping track of Release files for every release.Performing deployments to multiple environmentsUnderstanding the client environment, Administrating and creating solutions using AWS services, CI/CD, GIT, Dockers.Configuring Jenkins job with related plugins for Testing, Artifactory, and Continuous Deployment to accomplish the complete CI / CD.Taking periodic backups of jenkins job, restoring in case of there is any issue with jenkins serverWriting the playbooks using ansible for provisioning servers Writing pom.xml for build,test,deployment activities for build tools maven/antMonitoring the disk/process/cpu/memory using tools like Nagoioswritng the plugns/scripts for nagios for monitoringDockerizing the application Monitorng/Managing vmware virtual machines using vmware vsphere client Linux administration /configuration /installation


Creating branches and tags using GitHub.

Maintain GIT Repositories, Handling Releases and Branching activities for Github.

Handle multiple builds from Development team, create build jobs in Jenkins and

perform deployment activities.

Responsible for taking the source code and compiling using Maven and package it in its distributable format,such as a JAR / WAR /EAR.

Automate the build Process Using Jenkins jobs.

Monitoring daily builds using continuous integration tool Jenkins.

Date wise Daily keeping track all the Script.

Deploying the JAR / WAR / EAR files in Tomcat app server.

Setup of the code repository using GIT.

Verifying the logs if build fails

Verify Deployments logs to check for successful deployments.

Keeping track of Release files for every release.

Performing deployments to multiple environments

Understanding the client environment, Administrating and creating solutions using AWS services, CI/CD, GIT, Dockers.

Configuring Jenkins job with related plugins for Testing, Artifactory, and Continuous Deployment to accomplish the complete CI / CD.

Taking periodic backups of jenkins job, restoring in case of there is any issue with jenkins server

Writing the playbooks using ansible for provisioning servers

Writing pom.xml for build,test,deployment activities for build tools maven/ant

Monitoring the disk/process/cpu/memory using tools like Nagoios

writng the plugns/scripts for nagios for monitoring

Dockerizing the application

Monitorng/Managing vmware virtual machines using vmware vsphere client

Linux administration /configuration /installation
