what is DevOps ?

1. What is DevOps?
I know that's the first answer everybody would be looking for and I will not try to define it.
Because so many people have done it already before me and guess what there are many different
definitions for it. Everybody in the IT industry is talking about it. Organization are running post to
pillars to hire DevOps Engineers and there is a great demand for it.
Some say its automation but some say it's all about culture, both this belief contradicts with each other. Well if its automation then system admins are doing automation from ages and there they used Scripting languages and some tool to achieve it but we did not call it DevOps back then, we just said automation. So, then you would say it's the culture but if it's just the culture then why so many
automation tools? You would be feeling now that I am confusing you but trust me I am going to prove some points later, just keep reading. If you are reading this you would somehow related to software industry. Yes, software industry, its only goal is to make software's and deliver it to the user. We can say from the very beginning software industry is divided into two parts and those two parts are Development and Operations.
Development focuses on creating and testing software's. Operations is focussed on delivering those software's to user in form of a website or as an installable software. Once delivered we maintain the software, we deliver new features to our users
and make sure the software's stay up and running and healthy.
