EC2 Auto Scaling


EC2 Auto Scaling:

Auto scaling helps to   have correct number of EC2 instances available to handle the load of application.

Create collection of EC2 instances called auto scaling groups

While creating the group, we need to specify the desired capacity.



There is website to download video games.

And 2 servers are serving the requests from the users.

There is increase in the demand, and the servers are scaled to 4 servers.

Same thing is done by Auto scaling group automatically.

Minimum - 2

Maximum – 10

Desired – 4

If desired no. of servers is changed to 6, 2 instances will be spinned up.

Launch configuration:

Tells the auto configuration service what exactly it must launch.


EC2 instance type and size


Security groups/ssh keys/IAM instance profile

User data




Launch configuration  à which instances you want to launch/ OS/Config etc – defined here

Create auto scaling group à minimum max desired instances are defined here.
