Elastic Block Storage


Elastic Block Storage:

EBS is a virtual hard drive that can be used with ec2 instances.

Can attach it to ec2 instance.

Can place file system on it

If EBS is used to store your data, if any ec2 instance fails, we can still get the data as data is not stored on the instance, but on EBS volume.

1GB to 1TB in size, created in a particular AZ – availability zone/data center

It appears as a mounted device.

1 volume can be attached to 1 instance only

Great performance for read/write in case of heavy load – iops

To create to go EC2 dash board à ebs volume à create volume

Attach volume to instance,

And run lsblk/fdisk -l to check the volume on the ec2 instance.

We can remove the volume by force detach

We can create snapshots to replicate the data

Go to snapshots to check snapshot created.

To create high performance drive, we can create volume from snapshot.

S3 vs EBS vs EFS

Simple storage service

Elastic Block Storage

Elastic File System.

S3 can be used when the requirement is for WORM – write once and read many times

EBS works best as server disks – high performance in terms of read and write.

EFS – to share the file system across different servers.
