RDS – Relational Data base Service

RDS – Relational Data base Service:

Allows to create mysql, mariadb, oracle sql,postgresql, Aurora db (Amazon’s database)

Easy administration

RDS db instances are preconfigured with appropriate settings


-          Fully Managed Relational database – does not allow access to underlying OS

-          Can connect to data base using mysql

-          RDS runs on instance types ex: t2.mcro, m4.large etc

Enable multi AZ deployments for HA, backups


Main benefits:

1)      AWS takes care of underlying platform, so automatic updates

2)      Automatic backups

3)      Automatic recovery in case of failures


For production env – multi AZ failover has to be enabled

Read replicas – copies of the primary data base

Can scale up read replicas to increase the data base

We can enable HA/elasticity/fail over using multi AZ / read replicas

We can take backup/snapshots manually


Go to RDS Service

Launch a new db instance

Select mysql

Select Dev/Test environment – as it is free tier eligible

Select same VPC and Subnet for the DB so that ec2 instances can access it

Create a subnet group

Select vpc

Select the availability zone – us-east-1c

DB Instance type: t2.micro

Multi AZ deployment – na for free tier
