
Data encryption #include int main() { int n,i; scanf("%d", &n); int a[10]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%d", &a[i]); } int sum=0; for (i = 0; i < n; i+=2) { sum+=a[i]; } printf("%d",sum); return 0; }

Charlie has a....code #include int main() { int i,j; char s1[100],s2[100],s3[100]; scanf("%s %s", s1,s2); for(i=0,j=0;s2[i]!='\0';i++,j++) { s3[j]=s2[i]; } for(i=0;s2[i]!='\0';i++,j++) { s3[j]=s2[i]; } s3[j]='\0'; j=0; for(i=0;s3[i]!='\0';i++) { if(s3[i]==s1[j]) { j++; } else j=0; if(s1[j]=='\0') { printf("1");


Toy Manufacturers code wipro

100 students appeared for two different examinations 60 passed the first,50 the second and 30 both the examinations.Find the probability that a student selected at random failed in both the examination a)5/6 b)1/5 c)1/7 d)5/7 Solution-60+50-30=80 100-80=20 20/100=1/5. so B is the answer. Q 4. There are 10 points on a straight line AB and 8 on another straight line AC none of them being point A. how many triangles can be formed with these points as vertices? Option a. 680 b. 720 c. 816 d. 640 Solution

1.2/3rd of the balls in a bag are blue, the rest are pink. if 5/9th of the blue balls and 7/8th of the pink balls are defective, find the total number of balls in the bag given that the number of non defective balls is 146? a) 216 b) 649 c) 432 d) 578 Solution- let total no of balls =x blue=2x/3 pink=x/3 total no of defective balls = 10x/27 +7x/24 =143x/216 non defective balls=x-143x/216=146 x=432Find no of ways in which 4 particular persons a,b,c,d and 6 more persons can stand in a queue so that A always stand before B. B always stand before C, And C always stand before D. a)6! b)7! c)1006*6! d)10046!Solution - a,b,c,d are grouped ie consider them as one and remaining as 6. total 6+1 = 7! Ways

There is a new data-type which can take as values natural numbers between (and including) 0 and 25. How many minimum bits are required to store this datatype. Op 1: 4 Op 2: 5 Op 3: 1 Op 4: 3 Op 5: Correct Op : 2 Ques1. A data type is stored as an 6 bit signed integer. Which of the following cannot be represented by this data type? Op 1: -12 Op 2: 0 Op 3: 32 Op 4: 18 Op 5: Correct Op : 3 Ques3. A language has 28 different letters in total. Each word in the language is composed of maximum 7 letters. You want to create a data-type to store a word of this language. You decide to store the word as an array of letters. How many bits will you assign to the data-type to be able to store all kinds of words of the language.

M.Tech/ M.E ELECTRICAL SIMULATION 2019-2020 Projects List01Power Factor Correction of Three-Phase PWM AC Chopper Fed Induction Motor Drive System Using HBCC Technique.201902A Power Electronic Traction Transformer Configuration with Low-Voltage IGBTs for Onboard Traction Application.201903Carrier-Based Digital PWM and Multirate Technique of a Cascaded H-Bridge Converter for Power Electronic Traction Transformers.201904Operation Analysis and A Game Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Hybrid Compensator for the V/v Traction System.201905Coordination of MMCs With Hybrid DC Circuit Breakers for HVDC Grid Protection.201906A New Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduce Switch Count.201907A Novel Multilevel DC/AC Inverter Based on Three-Level Half Bridge With Voltage Vector Selecting Algorithm201908A Novel Sub module Voltage Balancing Scheme for Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter—Double-Star Chopper-Cells (MMCC-DSCC) Based STATCOM.201909A Single-Phase Transformer-Based Cascaded Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter With Balanced Power Distribution.201910Active power decoupling and controlling for single-phase FACTS device.201911Analysis of Logic Gates for Generation of Switching Sequence in Symmetric and Asymmetric Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter.201912Design and Hardware Implementation Considerations of Modified Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter for Photovoltaic System201913Direct Model Predictive Control of Novel H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System.201914Fuel cell integrated unified power quality conditioner for voltage and current reparation in four-wire distribution grid.201915Grid-tied single source quasi-Z-source cascaded multilevel inverter for PV applications.201916Low Switching Frequency Based Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Switch Count.201917Optimal Design of a New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Switch Count.201918Switch Ladder Modified H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Novel Pulse Width Modulation Technique.201919Role of Outage Management Strategy in Reliability Performance of Multi-Micro grid Distribution Systems.201920Improved Coordinated Control Strategy for Hybrid STATCOM Using Required Reactive Power Estimation Method.201921Fault tolerant single-phase capacitor start capacitor run induction motor powered with cascaded multilevel quasi impedance source inverter.201922Coordination control of positive and negative sequence voltages of cascaded H-bridge STATCOM operating under imbalanced grid voltage.201923Control and operation of the MMC-based drive with reduced capacitor voltage fluctuations201924Application of UPFC to mitigate SSR in series compensated wind farms201925A Unified Power Flow Controller Using a Power Electronics Integrated Transformer201926A 13-levels Module (K-Type) with two DC sources for Multilevel Inverters201927A Boost Type Nine-Level Switched Capacitor Inverter201928A Hybrid 9-level, 1-Ï• Grid Connected Multi Level Inverter with Low Switch Count and Innovative Voltage Regulation Techniques Across Auxiliary Capacitor.201929A Multi-Cell Cascaded High Frequency Link Inverter with Soft-Switching and Isolation.201930A new pulse active width modulation (PAWM) for multilevel converters.201931A new standby structure integrated with boost PFC converter for Server Power supply.201932A Novel Bidirectional T-type Multilevel Inverter for Electric Vehicle Applications.201933A Novel Nine-Level Quadruple Boost Inverter with Inductive-load Ability.201934A Novel Step-Up Single Source Multilevel Inverter: Topology, Operating Principle and Modulation.201935A Second-Order Volterra Filter Based Control of Solar PV-DSTATCOM System to Achieve Lyapunov’s Stability201936A Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) Technique for Capacitor Voltage Balancing of Nested T-Type Four-Level Inverter.201937Analysis, Design and Control of Switching Capacitor Based Buck-Boost Converter201938Compact Switched Capacitor Multilevel Inverter (CSCMLI) With Self Voltage Balancing and Boosting Ability.201939Coordination control of positive and negative sequence voltages of cascaded H-bridge STATCOM operating under imbalanced grid voltage.201940Cross-Switched Multilevel Inverter using Novel Switched Capacitor Converters.201941Dual P-Q Theory based Energy Optimized Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System201942Dual Role CDSC based Dual Vector Control for Effective Operation of DVR with Harmonic Mitigation201943Dual-T-Type Seven-Level Boost Active-Neutral Point-Clamped (DTT-7L-BANPC) Inverter201944Effect of cascade STATCOM on stabilizing voltage in high voltage direct current201945Enhancement of Solar Farm Connectivity with Smart PV Inverter PV-STATCOM.201946Extended Topology for Boost DC-DC Converter.201947Family of Multiport Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverters for High Frequency AC Power Distribution201948Flexible Transformer Based Multilevel Inverter Topologies201949Framework of Gradient Descent Least Squares Regression Based NN Structure for Power Quality Improvement in PV Integrated Low-Voltage Weak Grid System201950High-Efficiency Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converter for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems in a Smart Grid201951Implementation of Immune Feedback Control Algorithm for Distribution Static Compensator.201952Low-Capacitance Statcom with Modular Inductive Filter201953Model Predictive Control of Multilevel CHB STATCOM in Wind Farm Application Using Diophantine Equations201954Model Predictive Controller with Reduced Complexity for Grid Tied Multilevel Inverters.201955PNKLMF Based Neural Network Control and Learning based HC MPPT Technique for Multi-Objective Grid Integrated Solar PV Based Distributed Generating System201956Power Quality Improvement and PV Power Injection by DSTATCOM with Variable DC Link Voltage Control from RSC-MLC.201957Protection of Sensitive Loads Using Sliding Mode Controlled Three-Phase DVR With Adaptive Notch Filter.201958Real-Time Validation of a Sliding Mode Controller for Closed-Loop Operation of Reduced Switch Count Multilevel Inverters201959Single Stage SECS Interfaced with Grid Using ISOGI-FLL Based Control Algorithm.201960SSO of DFIG-based wind farm integrated by a hybrid series compensator.201961Stability Analysis for the Grid-Connected Single Phase Asymmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with SRF-PI Current Control under Weak Grid Conditions201962Switched-Boost Action Based Multi-port Converter.201963Switched-Capacitor Based Single Source Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Featuring Boosting Ability201964Unbalanced and Reactive Load Compensation using MMCC-based SATCOMs with Third Harmonic Injection.201965 Performance Improvement of Grid-Integrated Solar PV System Using DNLMS Control Algorithm

Standalone Photovoltaic WMSRer Pumping System Using Induction Motor Drive with Reduced Sensors 2018 2 A Novel Design of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicles 2018 3 Single Stage PV Array Fed Speed Sensor less Vector Control of Induction Motor Drive for WMSRer Pumping. 2018 4 Design and Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Solar PV IntegrMSRed UPQC. 2018 5 A New H-Bridge Hybrid Modular Converter (HBHMC) for HVDC ApplicMSRion: OperMSRing Modes, Control and Voltage Balancing 2018 6 Rectifier Load Analysis for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging System. 2018 7 Development of a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter with Dual-BMSRtery Energy Storage for Hybrid Electric Vehicle System. 2018 8 An Improved DC-Link Voltage Control StrMSRegy for Grid Connected Converters. 2018 9 Design and ImplementMSRion of Active Power Control with Improved P&O Method for Wind PV-BMSRtery based Standalone GenerMSRion System 2018 10 Single-stage ZETA-SEPIC-based multifunctional integrMSRed converter for plugin electric vehicles 2018 11 Modeling, Design, Control, and ImplementMSRion of a Modified Z-source IntegrMSRed PV/Grid/EV DC Charger/Inverter 2018 12 A Simple Active and Reactive Power Control for ApplicMSRions of Single- Phase Electric Springs 2018 13 UDE-Based Current Control StrMSRegy for LCCL-Type Grid-Tied Inverters 2018 14 A New Design Method of an LCL Filter Applied in Active DC-Traction SubstMSRions 2018 15 A Very High Resolution Stacked Multilevel Inverter Topology for Adjustable Speed Drives 2018 16 ImplementMSRion and Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Multilevel Inverters for Dynamic Loads 2018 17 ReconfigurMSRion of NPC Multilevel Inverters to MitigMSRe Short Circuit Faults Using Back-to-Back Switches 2018 18 Irradiance-adaptive PV Module IntegrMSRed Converter for High Efficiency and Power Quality in Standalone and DC Microgrid ApplicMSRions 2018 19 Dual-function PV-ECS integrMSRed to 3P4W distribution grid using 3M-PLL control for active power transfer and power quality improvement. 2018 20 ZSI for PV systems with LVRT capability. 2018 21 Crisscross switched multilevel inverter using cascaded semi-half-bridge cells 2018 22 Single-phase hybrid cascaded H-bridge and diode-clamped multilevel inverter with capacitor voltage balancing 2018 23 Control of Solar Photovoltaic IntegrMSRed Universal Active Filter Based on Discrete Adaptive Filter

Let's say the HR team of a company has goodies set of size N each with a different price tag for each goodie. Now the HR team has to distribute the goodies among the M employees in the company such that one employee receives one goodie. Find out the goodies the HR team can distribute so that the difference between the low price goodie and the high price goodie selected is minimum.Input:Goodies and Prices:Fitbit Plus: 7980IPods: 22349MI Band: 999Cult Pass: 2799Macbook Pro: 229900Digital Camera: 11101Alexa: 9999Sandwich Toaster: 2195Microwave Oven: 9800Scale: 4999Example OutputNumber of the employees: 4Here the goodies that are selected for distribution are:Fitbit Plus: 7980Microwave Oven: 9800Alexa: 9999Digital Camera: 11101And the difference between the chosen goodie with highest price and the lowest price is 3121Number of employees: 6Here the goodies that are selected for distribution are:Sandwich Toaster: 2195Cult Pass: 2799Scale: 4999Fitbit Plus: 7980Microwave Oven: 9800Alexa: 9999And the difference between the chosen goodie with highest price and the lowest price is 7804Number of employees: 2Here the goodies that are selected for distribution are:Microwave Oven: 9800Alexa: 9999And the difference between the chosen goodie with highest price and the lowest price is 199The input has to be read from a file. The input file contains the all the goodies and their prices as shown in the example input file sample_input.txt in the current folder . The output has to be written to a file as shown in the example output file sample_output.txt in the current folder.Usage of any libraries provided by the language or the framework used is restricted, except for the Mathematics and the I/O libraries.

password validator code

Most Frequent character

1) There are two sections in a question paper each contains five questions. A student has to answer 6 questions. The maximum number of questions that can be answered from any section is 4. How many ways he can attempt the paper? a) 50 b) 100 c) 120 d) 200 Answer:Option d Possible ways in which he can attempt 6 questions are 5C4*5C2 = 50 5C3*5C3 = 100 5C2*5C4 = 50 50+100+50 = 200 2) If 5 men take an hour to dig a ditch, then how long should 12 men take a dig to the ditch of the same type? a) 25 min b) 30 min c) 28 min d) 20 min Answer:Option a M1H1 = M2H2 5*60 = 12*H2 H2 = 25 min

Indian governments intention of introducing caste-based quotas for the Other Backward Classes in centrally funded institutions of higher learning and the Prime Ministers suggestion to the private sector to voluntarily go in for reservation, has once again sparked off a debate on the merits and demerits of caste-based reservations. Unfortunately, the predictable divide between the votaries of social justice on one hand and those advocating merit on the other seems to have once again camouflaged the real issues. It is necessary to take a holistic and non-partisan view of the issues involved. The hue and cry about sacrificing merit is untenable simply because merit is, after all, a social construct and it cannot be determined objectively in a historically unjust and unequal context. The idea of competitive merit will be worthy of serious attention only in

In most states in India the law for the sale of alcoholic beverages provides that beer cannot be sold after a certain hour. However, in some States the law permits a customer to consume, after the deadline, what has been sold before the curfew. In a certain bar 2 men ordered sufficient beer to cover their probable requirements in anticipation of the curfew. One man ordered and paid for 5 bottles and the other man ordered and paid for 3 bottles. But as the curfew started, an old friend of both the men approached and requested them to share the eight bottles of beer between them. The friend thanked the two men and put down Rs 8 in payment for the beer he had consumed, asking them to share the money in proportion to the quantity of beer they have contributed to him. How should this money be equitably divided between the two men?a. Rs 7 and Rs 1b. Rs 6 and Rs 2c. Rs 5 and Rs 3d. Rs 4 and Rs 3Correct Option aExplanation: The three men shared the beer equally and so each drank the contents of 2(2/3) bottles. Therefore the man who had brought 5 bottles contributed 2(1/3) and the man who had paid for 3 bottles contributed 1/3 of the bottles, to make the third man’s share.The first man’s contribution is 7 times that of the second and therefore he gets Rs 7 and the latter Rs 1.

Select employee_nameFrom employeeWhere employee_name like '%a' or employee_name like '%e' orEmployee_name like'%i' orEmployee_name like '%o' orEmployee_name like '%u'

What was the result of Napoleonic wars?Guide or transform

The Kingdom of Spain was created in 1492 with the unification of the Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Aragon. For the next three centuries, Spain was the most important colonial power in the world. It was the most powerful state in Europe and the foremost global power during the 16th century and the greater part of the 17th century. Spain established a vast empire in the Americas, stretching from California to Patagonia, and colonies in the western Pacific. Spains European wars, however, led to economic damage, and the latter part of the 17th century saw a gradual decline of power under an increasingly neglectful and inept Habsburg regime. The decline culminated in the War of the Spanish Succession, where Spains decline from the position of a leading Western power to that of a secondary one, was confirmed, although it remained the leading colonial power.The eighteenth century saw a new dynasty, the Bourbons, which directed considerable effort towards the institutional renewal of the state, with some success, peaking in a successful involvement in the American War of Independence. The end of the eighteenth and the start of the nineteenth centuries saw turmoil unleashed throughout Europe by the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, which finally led to a French occupation of much of the continent, including Spain. This triggered a successful but devastating war of independence that shattered the country and created an opening for what would ultimately be the successful independence of Spains mainland American colonies. Following a period of growing political instability in the early twentieth century, in 1936 Spain was plunged into a bloody civil war. The war ended in a nationalist dictatorship, led by Francisco Franco which controlled the Spanish government until 1975. Select the correct answer option based on the passage.

The centuries - old debate between two contradictory doctninesthose of the hawk and the dove - continues into our own time. The hawks strive for possessions, pleasure and power. They believe that it does not matter if others suffer from thelr achieving aims. The doves strive to understand the meaning and purpose of life. They believe in the principle "live and let live". Many earlier avihzations such as the Babylonian, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman have witnessed the dance of destruction. In the dvilzatons the old moral values were lost. The hawks dominated the doves. So the dvilization dechned and fell. Today we are in a similar critical period. We read in news papers of scientists who suppress or distort facts to obtain grants or fame, of doctors ah misdiagnose and Operate wrongly on pabents, of industnalists who are responsible for releasing large quantties of greenhouse gases mto the atmosphere without thinlong of its implications, of hawks who establish those projects in the Third World’ and they are risky in the ‘First World’. Recent examples from the subjects of nuclear science, molecular biology, ultrasonic's and environmental science reveal the dangerous trends. Chernobyl was perhaps the greatest scentfic calamity of this century. Bhopal gases, Tsunami, Gujarat Earth quake tragedy are other examples. Over the past four decades molecular biology has emerged as one of the most promising branches of science. The manipulation of the inherited genetic blue print is a technique in ts infancy. Sustained efforts are being made to develop gene therapy for diseases such as hung cancer. But in another kind of development biotechnologists are manipulating the biological dock set by nature in many of its creatures. Scientists are developing genetically engineered crop plants that are resistant to insects and fungi.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author’s assertion about the cause of the Lyme disease outbreak in the United States?The deer population was smaller in the late nineteenth century than in the mid-twentieth century

Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?paradox is stated, discussed and left unresolved

Which of the following can most reasonably be concluded about the mosquito Aedes albopictus on the basis of information given in the passage?It transmits the dengue virus

It can be inferred from the passage that Lyme disease has become prevalent in parts of the United States because of which of the following?An increase in the number of humans who encounter deer ticks

According to the passage, the outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the 1950’s occurred for which of the following reasons?The mosquito Aedes aegypti became more numerous

The passage suggests that a lack of modern sanitation would make which of the following most likely to occur?An epidemic of typhoid

Although genetic mutations in bacteria and viruses can lead to epidemics, some epidemics are caused by bacteria and viruses that have undergone no significant genetic change. In analyzing the latter, scientists have discovered the importance of social and ecological factors to epidemics. Poliomyelitis, for example, emerged as an epidemic in the United States in the twentieth century; by then, modern sanitation was able to delay exposure to polio until adolescence or adulthood, at which time polio infection produced paralysis. Previously, infection had occurred during infancy, when it typically provided lifelong immunity without paralysis. Thus, the hygiene that helped prevent typhoid epidemics indirectly fostered a paralytic polio epidemic. Another example is Lyme disease, which is caused by bacteria that are transmitted by deer ticks. It occurred only sporadically during the late nineteenth century but has recently become prevalent in parts of the United States, largely due to an increase in the deer population that occurred simultaneously with the growth of the suburbs and increased outdoor recreational activities in the deer's habitat. Similarly, an outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever became an epidemic in Asia in the 1950's because of ecological changes that caused Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits the dengue virus, to proliferate. The stage is now set in the United States for a dengue epidemic because of the inadvertent introduction and wide dissemination of another mosquito, Aedes albopictus.

The academic council has requested the principal to mediate and help settle the dispute.And to help to settle the dispute

Mediate meaning Reconcile

Iam not able to solve this slick problem .

She the next flight so he hurried. To the airport in a taxiAm to catch

the twenty dollar bills appeared to be Counterfeit

Lisa lives IN an apartment building in mumbai

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Looking out for SAP PS (or) SAP PM Fresher Consultant to work with us at Lorhan IT Hyderabad location!Role: SAP PS : 0-1.5 YrsSkills required:*SAP Certificated or SAP Trained in SAP PS OR SAP PMLocation: HyderabadCandidates with an official notice period of less than 30-15 days only can apply.Interested Candidate can share resume or reference at

Area of ellipse #include using namespace std; // Function to find area of an // ellipse. void findArea( float a, float b) { float Area; // formula to find the area // of an Ellipse. Area = 3.142 * a * b ; // Display the result cout << "Area: " << Area; } // Driver code int main() { float a = 5, b = 4; findArea(a, b); return 0;

SQL interview questions

decimal to binary programming

Where do you see yourself in next five years? I see myself being a more developed and grown up individual having a greater set of skills, command and in depth knowledge of the major technologies out there. I wish to grow not just as an individual but along with the entire company taking it to new heights and always doing my level best in ensuring I give my 100% and even more What are your expectations from company XYZ? I expect myself being a more developed and grown up individual having a greater set of skills, command and in depth knowledge of the major technologies out there. I wish to grow not just as an individual but along with the entire company taking it to new heights and always doing my level best in ensuring I give my 100% and even more. Why do you want to join XYZ? XYZ is one of the fastest growing tech companies and also has a plethora of tech stack and fields where it is expanding.So,I personally feel that I will get immense opportunities to develop my tech profile over here not just in one field rather in any of the field that I will be interested in. Strengths I personally feel that I am a quick learner, I learn things bit faster than others Also I adjust according to new surroundings and new people real quick. Weakness Sometimes when there the workload is too high then I start compromising with my health as at that time my first priority is to complete the work efficiently. To overcome this, now I have started to follow a proper time schedule which gives me ample time to look after my health. Agar puchhe team player ya team.leader I am comfortable with both the roles as the situation and company demands from me Iske alawa HR round se pahle jo time bachta hai usmein company ka overview dekh lena zaroor se.companies ke core values pakka se dekh lena aur agar HR puchhe why should we hire you type ka kuchh toh ek point zaroor bol dena ki tum company ke core values ke hisaab se fit baithte ho kuchh kuchh kahani bana ke har core values ke saath. Agar HR puchhe ki further studies karne ka plan hai toh Sidhe bol do no sir not interested I want to apply whatever I have learnt during college days and have an exposure to industry.

1) What is the difference in the place value of 5 in the numeral 754853?

1) How many kilogram of sugar costing Rs. 9 per kg must be mixed with 27 kg of sugar costing Rs. 7 per kg so that there may be a gain of 10% by selling the mixture at Rs. 9.24 per kg?A.36 kg B.42 kgC.54 kg D.63 kgans:D2) A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now contained by the container?A.26.34 litres B.27.36 litresC.28 litres D.29.l6 litresans:A3) Find the ratio in which rice at Rs. 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 5.70 a kg to produce a mixture worth Rs. 6.30 a kg.A.1 : 3 B.2 : 3C.3 : 4 D.4 : 5ans:B4) The cost of Type 1 rice is Rs. 15 per kg and Type 2 rice is Rs. 20 per kg. If both Type 1 and Type 2 are mixed in the ratio of 2 : 3, then the price per kg of the mixed variety of rice is:A.Rs. 18 B.Rs. 18.50C.Rs. 19 D.Rs. 19.50ans:A5) A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is:A.400 kg B.560 kgC.600 kg D.640 kgans:C6) Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is Sumit's salary?A.Rs. 17,000 B.Rs. 20,000C.Rs. 25,500 D.Rs. 38,000ans:D7) If 0.75 : x :: 5 : 8, then x is equal to:A.1.12 B.1.2C.1.25 D.1.30ans:B8) The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 :3 and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is:A.20 B.30C.48 D.58ans:B9) Ravi and Kumar are working on an assignment. Ravi takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Kumar takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?A.7 hours 30 minutes B.8 hoursC.8 hours 15 minutes D.8 hours 25 minutesans:C10) Sakshi can do a piece of work in 20 days. Tanya is 25% more efficient than Sakshi. The number of days taken by Tanya to do the same piece of work is:A.15 B.16C.18 D.25ans:B11) A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work. Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in:A.4 days B.6 daysC.8 days D.12 daysans:B12) In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. The duration of the flight is:A.1 hour B.2 hoursC.3 hours D.4 hoursans:A13) A man complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21 km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km.A.220 km B.224 kmC.230 km D.234 kmans:B14) The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 kms in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is:A.70 km/hr B.75 km/hrC.84 km/hr D.87.5 km/hrans;D15) In a 300 m race A beats B by 22.5 m or 6 seconds. B's time over the course is:A.86 sec B.80 secC.76 sec D.None of theseans:B16)In a 100 m race, A can beat B by 25 m and B can beat C by 4 m. In the same race, A can beat C by:A.21 m B.26 mC.28 m D.29 mans:C17) In a game of 100 points, A can give B 20 points and C 28 points. Then, B can give C:A.8 points B.10 pointsC.14 points D.40 pointsans:B18) In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks. A lottery is drawn at random. What is the probability of getting a prize?A.1/10 B.2/5C.2/7 D.5/7ans:C19) Two dice are tossed. The probability that the total score is a prime number is:A.1/6 B.5/12C.1/2 D.7/6ans:B20) Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting two numbers whose product is even?A.1/2 B.3/4C.3/8 D.5/16ans:A21)Directions to solveThe following bar chart shows the trends of foreign direct investments(FDI) into India from all over the world.Trends of FDI in Indiaa) What was the ratio of investment in 1997 over the investment in 1992 ?A.5.50 B.5.36C.5.64 D.5.75ans:Ab) What was absolute difference in the FDI to India in between 1996 and 1997 ?A.7.29 B.7.13C.8.13 D.None of theseans:Bc) If India FDI from OPEC countries was proportionately the same in 1992 and 1997 as the total FDI from all over the world and if the FDI in 1992 from the OPEC countries was Euro 2 million. What was the amount of FDI from the OPEC countries in 1997 ?A.11 B.10.72C.11.28 D.11.5ans:Ad) Which year exhibited the highest growth in FDI in India over the period shown ?A.1993 B.1994C.1995 D.1996ans:De)What was India's total FDI for the period shown in the figure ?A.93.82 B.93.22C.93.19 D.None of theseans:A22)Directions to solveStudy the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:Distribution of candidates who were enrolled for MBA entrance exam and the candidates (out of those enrolled) who passed the exam in different institutes:ca). What percentage of candidates passed the Exam from institute T out of the total number of candidates enrolled from the same institute?A.50% B.62.5%C.75% D.80%ans:Cb) Which institute has the highest percentage of candidates passed to the candidates enrolled?A.Q B.RC.V D.Tans:Bc) The number of candidates passed from institutes S and P together exceeds the number of candidates enrolled from institutes T and R together by:A.228 B.279C.399 D.407ans:Cd) What is the percentage of candidates passed to the candidates enrolled for institutes Q and R together?A.68% B.80%C.74% D.65%ans:Be) What is the ratio of candidates passed to the candidates enrolled from institute P?A.9 : 11 B.14 : 17C.6 : 11 D.9 : 17ans:C23)Diections to solveEach sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.a). They took note of humility of the visiting dignitary.A.grandeur B.arroganceC.friendliness D.decencyans:Bb) Harish displays enthusiasm whenever he is posed with a problem.A.eagerness B.weaknessC.indifference D.softnessans:Cc) I was surprised at his stiff attitude.A.courteous B.flexibleC.soft D.livelyans:Cd) It was done in a haphazard manner.A.planned B.excellentC.extraordinary D.designedans:A24)Directions to solveEach sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.a) They took note of humility of the visiting dignitary.A.grandeur B.arroganceC.friendliness D.decencyans:Bb) I was surprised at his stiff attitude.A.courteous B.flexibleC.soft D.livelyans:Bc) He abandoned his family.A.supported B.encouragedC.pleased D.savedans:A25)Directions to solveIn each question, an incomplete statement (Stem) followed by fillers is given. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully.a). Despite his best efforts to conceal his anger ......A.we could detect that he was very happyB.he failed to give us an impression of his agonyC.he succeeded in camouflaging his emotionsD.he could succeed in doing it easilyE.people came to know that he was annoyedans:Eb) Even if it rains I shall come means ......A.if I come it will not rainB.if it rains I shall not comeC.I will certainly come whether it rains or notD.whenever there is rain I shall comeE.I am less likely to come if it rainsans:Cc) His appearance is unsmiling but ......A.his heart is full of compassion for othersB.he looks very serious on most occasionsC.people are afraid of himD.he is uncompromising on matters of task performanceE.he is full of jealousy towards his colleaguesans:C26)Directions to solveToday perhaps your only association with the word 'polio' is the Sabin Oral Vaccine that protects children from the disease. Fifty five years ago this was not so. The dreaded disease, which mainly affects the brain ans spinal cord, causing stiffening and weakening of muscles, crippling and paralysis - which is Why I am in a wheelchair today. If somebody had predicted, when I was born, that this would happen to me, no one would have believed it. I was seventh child in a family of four pairs of brothers and sisters, with huge 23 year gap between the first and last. I was so fair and brown haired that I looked more look like a foreigner than a Dawood Bohri. I was also considered to be the healthiest of the brood.a). In his childhood, the narrator wasA.a weakling B.very healthyC.tall and slim D.short and stoutans:Cb) In this passage, the word 'brood' refers toA.polio victims B.foreign childrenC.children in the family D.Indian Childrenans:Cc) The narrator was the seventh child in a family ofA.8 children B.16 childrenC.23 children D.4 childrenans:Ad) In this passage, the narrator is a patient ofA.heart disease B.polioC.paralysis D.nervous weaknessans:Be) In his childhood, the narrator looked "more like a foreigner than a Dawood Bohri" This was because he wasA.a foreign child B.a very healthy boyC.tell and smart D.fair and brown hairedans:D

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Essentials of the Absolute Block System - (1) Where trains are worked on the Absolute Block System - (a) no train shall be allowed to leave a block station unless Line Clear has been received from the block station in advance, and (b) on double lines such Line Clear shall not be given unless the line is clear, not only upto the first Stop signal at the block station at which such Line Clear is given, but also for an adequate distance beyond it; (c) on single lines such Line Clear shall not be given unless the line is clear of trains running in the same direction, not only upto the first Stop signal at the block station at which such Line Clear is given, but also for an adequate distance beyond it, and is clear of trains running in the direction towards the block station to which such Line Clear is given. (2) Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate distance referred to in clauses (b) & (c) of sub-rule (1) shall not be less than - (a) 400 metres in case of two-aspect lower quadrant signalling or two-aspect colour light signalling, and (b) 180 metres in case of multiple-aspect signalling or modified lower quadrant signalling.

Company-Specific CoursesFACE Prep EdgeFree ResourcesWebinarsAbout UsLOGINSIGN UPLink copied to clipboard. Share away!DismissTATA ELXSI Analytical and Logical questionsPublished on 07 Mar 2020Tata Elxsi Analytical and Logical questions which are most repeated in previous Tata Elxsi drive's are dicussed here. Before you start preparing for Tata Elxsi analytical and logical questions, please go through the complete syllabus and pattern for Tata Elxsi drive.Tata Elxsi Analytical and Logical questions with solutions are given here. Read the instructions before you answer each question.Directions for Questions 1-5:In syllogism questions, you need to arrive at the proper conclusion based on the given premises.1)Statements:Some mangoes are yellow.Some apples are mangoes.Conclusions:(i) Some mangoes are green.(ii) Apples is yellow.a) Only conclusion (i) followsb) Only conclusion (ii) followsc) Either (i) or (ii) followsd) Neither (i) nor (ii) followsAns: d2)Statements:All tigers are rats.Some rats are lions.Conclusions:(i) Some tigers are lions.(ii) Some lions are tigers.a) Only conclusion (i) followsb) Only conclusion (ii) followsc) Either (i) or (ii) followsd) Neither (i) nor (ii) followsAns: d3)Statements:All pencils are bricks.All bricks are bottles.Conclusions:(i) All pencils are bottles.(ii) All bricks are pencils.a) Only conclusion (i) followsb) Only conclusion (ii) followsc) Either (i) or (ii) followsd) Neither (i) nor (ii) followsAns: a4)Statements:All harry are birds.All birds are crows.All crows are cats.Conclusions:a) All birds are catsb) All crows are harrya) If only conclusion I is true.b) If only conclusion II is true.c) If either conclusion I or II is true.d) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true.Ans: a5) Statements:Some cows are crows.Some crows are elephants.Conclusions:(i) Some cows are elephants.(ii) All crows are elephants.a) Only conclusion (i) followsb) Only conclusion (ii) followsc) Either (i) or (ii) followsd) Neither (i) nor (ii) followsAns: dDirections for Questions 6-10:Data sufficiency questions consist of a question followed by two statements. Need to decide whether the given information in the statements (taken singly or together) is sufficient to answer the question.6) How many students passed the exam if 20 students failed in the exam?I.Thousand students were issued hall tickets for the exam.II. 10% of the students who appeared for the exam failed.a) If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements together.b) If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.c) If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.d) If the question can be answered with the help of both statements together.Ans: bExplanation:Information given in the question has to be noted first. The number of students who failed is given as 20. The statement I alone is not sufficient since the number of students who appeared is not known.Using statement II alone, if 10% of the students appeared have failed, then 90% of students appeared have passed. It is given in the question that 20 students have failed. 10% of appeared =20, 90% of appeared can be found.7) What is the value of X?I. X4= 2401II.X2+ 3X - 24 = 0.5(6X + 50)a) If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements together.b) If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.c) If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.d) If the question can be answered with the help of both statements together.Ans: aExplanation:From statement I, we obtain X = +7 or -7. As we cannot uniquely determine the value of X, statements I alone Is not sufficient to answer the question.From statement II, we obtain X =+7 or -7. As we cannot uniquely determine the value of X. So, even the two statements together are not sufficient to answer the question.Hence the answer is a.8) If a salesman received a commission of 3% of the sales that he has booked in a month, what was the sale booked by the salesman in the month of November 2003?I. The sales booked by the salesman in the month of November 2003 minus salesman's commission was $245,000II. The selling price of the sales booked by the salesman in the month of November 2003 was 125 percent of the original purchase price of $225,000a) If the question can be answered with the either of the statement alone.b) If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.c) If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.d) If the question can be answered with the help of both statements together.Ans: aExplanation:From statement 1, we know the sales value after the salesman's commission is subtracted.From the question stem, we know his commission is 3% of the sales booked. Then the value of sales after subtracting his commission is 100 - 3 = 97% of the sales booked. Putting the two together, we can deduce that 97% of sales booked = $245,000. So we can find out the sales booked.9) Is the positive integer m divisible by 6?I. m is divisible by 3II. m is divisible by 4a) If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements together.b) If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.c) If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.d) If the question can be answered with the help of both statements together.Ans: dExplanation:From statement 2, if m is divisible by 4, it will definitely be divisible by 2.So, by combining the two statements, we know that m is divisible by 3 and by 2. Hence, we can conclude that m is divisible by 6.10) What is the distance between Chandigarh and Delhi?I. Karnal is 130 km from Chandigarh.II. Delhi is 120 km from Karnal.a) If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements together.b) If the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.c) If the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.d) If the question can be answered with the help of both statements together.Ans: aExplanation:Chandigarh, Karnal, and Delhi are in a straight line and Karnal lies between Chandigarh and Delhi.Even if it is given that these 3 cities are in straight line, still we have 2 possible answers to this question, even after combining the two statements i.e 250 km and 10 km.Since we are not getting any unique answer even after combining the two statements.Data Arrangements 11-12:11) In a college there are seven clubs: Drama, Astronomy, Music, Dance, Cookery, Debate and Science. Each of these clubs meets on a Different day of the week, one on each day beginning Sunday. The Drama club must meet on a Sunday. The Astronomy club meeting is held after both the Music and Dance club meeting are held. The Cookery, Debate and Science meetings must be held on consecutive days, though not in the same order.The music club meeting can be held, latest, on?a) Tuesdayb) Wednesdayc) Thursdayd) FridayAns: dExplanation:Since the drama club must be on a Sunday and the Astronomy Club must meet after the music club meeting can be held, latest on Friday.12) Which of the following clubs meet on 3 consecutive days?(I) Drama, Dance, Astronomy(II) Astronomy, Music, Debate(III) Dance, Cookery, Dramaa) II onlyb) III onlyc) II and III onlyd) NoneAns: dExplanation:The Science, Debate and Cookery Clubs can meet on three consecutive days.Data Arrangements 13-16:In a community dance of Arunachal Pradesh, eight persons form a circular group. In Republic day parade a group from Arunachal Pradesh consisting of Kavita, Laxmi, Munni, Nini, Oliver, Pallavi, Qunicy, Rehana presented this dance. All of them were related to one another due to which there were some constraints as to who would be beside whom. Laxmi, Munni, Nini -the only three women in the group -have to be side by side; Munni and Oliver have to be farthest from each other, and Qunicy and Kavita should have at least 3 others between them.13) If Nini is placed opposite to Pallavi and between Qunicy and Munni, then which of the following should be opposite to each other?a) Munni and Qunicyb) Laxmi and Rehanac) Oliver and Pallavid) Pallavi and RehanaAns: bExplanation:The arrangement will be2- Munni, 3- Nini, 4- Quincy, 5- Rehana, 6- Oliver, 7- Pallavi, 8- Kavita, 1- Laxmi, so, Laxmi and Rehana are opposite to each other.14) If Rehana is placed between Oliver and Qunicy, then Pallavi will be placed between?a) Oliver and Munnib) Oliver and Kavitac) Laxmi and Oliverd) Nini and QunicyAns: bExplanation:6- Oliver5- Rehana4- Quincy32- Munni18- Kavita7- PallaviThus, Pallavi is placed between Oliver and Kavita.15) If Laxmi is to be immediate left of Qunicy, then Munni should be on the immediate right of?a) Munni onlyb) Quincy onlyc) Kavita or Munnid) Munni or NiniAns: cExplanation:1- L2- (N)3- (N)4- Kavita5-6-7-8- QunicyN could occupy (2) or (3); so, should be on the immediate right of K or M.16) Qunicy is placed adjacent to Laxmi and Rehana. If there is only one person between Nini and Pallavi, then who should be that person?a) Kavitab) Munnic) Oliverd) QuincyAns: aExplanation:1- Laxmi2- Munni3- Nini4- Kavita5- Pallavi7- Rehana8- QunicyThus, Kavita is between Nini and Pallavi.Cubes 17-20:The following questions are based on the information given below:A cuboid shaped wooden block has 6 cm length, 4 cm breadth, and 1 cm height.Two faces measuring 4 cm x 1 cm are colored in black.Two faces measuring 6 cm x 1 cm are colored in red.Two faces measuring 6 cm x 4 cm are colored in green.The block is divided into 6 equal cubes of side 1 cm (from 6 cm side), 4 equal cubes of side 1 cm(from 4 cm side).17) How many cubes having red, green and black colours on at least one side of the cube will be formed?a) 16b) 12c) 10d) 4Ans: dExplanation:Such cubes are related to the corners of the cuboid.Since the number of corners of the cuboid is 4.18) How many small cubes will be formed?a) 6b) 12c) 16d) 24Ans: dExplanation:Number of small cubes =l xb x h = 6 x 4 x 1 = 2419) How many cubes will have 4 colored sides and two non-colored sides?a) 4b) 8c) 16d) 10Ans: aExplanation:Only 4 cubes situated at the corners of the cuboid will have 4 colored and 2 non-colored sides.20) How many cubes will have green colour on two sides and rest of the four sides having no colour?a) 12b) 10c) 4d) 8Ans: dExplanation:There are 16 small cubes attached to the outer walls of the cuboid. Therefore remaining inner small cubes will be the cubes having two sides green colored. So the required number = 24 - 16 = 8Cubes 21-23:Each of the six faces of a cube is painted in exactly one of the four colors, A, B, C and D, where A, B, C, D corresponds to different colors such that each face is at least one face that is painted in each color. The cube is then placed on a table and cut into 60 identical small cuboids by making the least possible number of cuts, each cut being parallel to some face of the cube.21) What is the least possible number of small cuboids which have no face painted A?a) 15b) 20c) 24d) 40Ans: aExplanation:The given cube is cut into 60 identical cuboids with least number of cuts. This can be done when the dimensions of the cube are 3 x 4 x 5. Hence the number of cuts is 2 + 3 + 4 = 9.Now, we also need to select which 3 sides to paint with A, as the number of cuboids on each side are different. Naturally, we need to choose the three sides with the largest number of cuboids. This can be found on the two 5 x 4 faces and the 5 x 3 face. Also, these three faces are adjacent to each other. The two 5 x 4 faces will each contain 20 cuboids, a total of 40 cuboids. These faces lie exactly opposite each other.The 5 x 3 face will be between these two faces. This face has 15 cuboids out of which 10 are already accounted for. Hence this side gives 5 more cuboids painted in white. The total number of cuboids painted in white is hence 45. Therefore, a total of 15 (60 - 45) cuboids are not painted in white and this is the lowest such number.22) What is the maximum possible number of small cuboids which have more than one face painted in the same color?a) 9b) 10c) 12d) 14Ans: bExplanation:In the figure, the green colored highlighted area contains cuboids which have the same color lets say A. The other faces before it was cut are B, C, and D each with other different colors.23) What is the maximum possible number of small cuboids which have all the sides painted?a) 10b) 8c) 0d) 6Ans: cExplanation:No cuboid can have all the faces painted.Cubes 24-27:There are 128 cubes with me which are colored according to two schemes viz.64 cubes each having two red adjacent faces and one yellow and other blue on their opposite faces while green on the rest.64 cubes each having two adjacent blue faces and one red and other green on their opposite faces, while red on the rest. They are then mixed up.24) How many cubes have at least two colored red faces each?a) 0b) 32c) 64d) 128Ans: dExplanation:64 and 64 cubes of both types of cubes are such who have at least two colored faces red each. Therefore, the total number of the required cubes is 128.25) What is the total number of red faces?a) 0b) 64c) 320d) 128Ans: cExplanation:No. of red faces among first 64 cubes =64*2=128No. of red faces among second 64 cubes =64*3= 192Therefore, total number of red faces = 128 + 192 = 32026) How many cubes have only one red face each?a) 128b) 32c) 0d) NoneAns: aExplanation:Out of 128 cubes, no cube has only one face as red.27) Which two colour shave the same number of faces?a) Red and Yellowb) Blue and Greenc) Red and Greend) Red and BlueAns: bExplanation:First 64 cubes are such each of whose two faces are green and second 64 cubes are such each of whose two faces are blue. Therefore, green and blue colors have the same number of faces.28) In a survey of university students, 64 had taken the mathematics course, 94 had taken the chemistry course, 58 had taken the physics course, 28 had taken mathematics and physics, 26 had taken mathematics and chemistry, 22 had taken chemistry and physics course, and 14 had taken all the three courses. Find how many had taken one course only.a) 106b) 120c) 123d) 96Ans: aExplanation:Number of students who had taken onlyMathematics =64 - [28+26-14] = 24Number of students who had taken onlyChemistry =94 - [26+22-14] = 60Number of students who had taken onlyPhysics =58 - [28+22-14] = 22Total students who had taken only one course = 24 +22+60 = 106Venn Diagrams 29-32:In the following figure, small square represents the persons who know English, triangle to those who know Marathi, big square to those who know Telugu and circle to those who know Hindi. In the different regions of the figures from 1 to 12 are given.29) How many persons can speak English and Hindi both the languages only?a) 5b) 8c) 7d) 18Ans: aExplanation:The number of persons who can speak English and Hindi both only is 5.30) How many persons can speak Marathi and Telugu both?a) 10b) 11c) 13d) NoneAns: cExplanation: 6+7 = 1331) How many persons can speak only English?a) 9b) 12c) 7d) 19Ans: bExplanation:The number of persons who can speak English is 12.32) How many persons can speak all the languages?a) 1b) 8c) 2d) NoneAns: dExplanation:There is no such person who can speak all the languages.33) The marked price of a radio is Rs 1,600. Rahul gives a successive discount of 10%, r% to the Pradeep. If Pradeep pays Rs 1.224 for the radio, find the value of r.a) 10%b) 20%c) 25%d) 15%Ans: dExplanation:Marked price of the article = Rs 1,600Therefore, Selling price = (100 - 10)% x (100 - r%) x 1600= (90/100) x [(100 - r) / 100] x 1600Given, 1224 = 9/10 x (100 - r) x 16=> 1224 x 10 / (9 x 16) = (100 r)85 = 100 - rr = 15%34) On selling a pencil at 5% loss and a book at 15% gain, Kiran gains Rs 7. If he sells the pencil at 5% gain and the book at 10% gain, then he gains Rs 13. The actual price of the book is:a) 100b) 80c) 90d) 400Ans: cExplanation:Let actual price of the book = Rs XLet actual price of the pen = Rs YTherefore, ( X + 15% of X) + (Y 5% of Y) = X + Y + 715X - 5Y = 700 .(i)Also (X + 10% of X) + (Y + 5% of Y) = X + Y + 1310X + 5Y = 1300Using (i) and (ii) we get X = 80, Y = 100Therefore, actual price of the book = Rs 8035) A shopkeeper marks the price of his goods at 25% higher than the original price. After that, he allows a discount of 12%. What profit or loss does he get?a) 10% Profitb) 15% profitc) 10% Lossd) 15% LossAns: aExplanation:Here, x = 25 and y = - 12Therefore, the net % change in value= ( x + y + xy/100) %= [25 - 12 + ( -12 x 25)/100]% or 10%Since the sign is positive, there is a profit of 10%